Original |
On this photo, I went into the develop mode in Lightroom. First of all, I raised the brightness by 80 and raised the contrast to 100. Then I raised the blacks by 7 and raised the brightness even more to 110. After that, I raised the recovery to 100. Next, I went into the adjustment brush mode and lowered the exposure by 1.80. Then, I painted over the sky. This gave the sky a surreal, high definition kind of look. After that, I raised the exposure to 1 and painted over all of the shadows, bringing out all of the details in the rocks and trees in the photo. Last of all, I raised the noised reduction to 100, the color by 25, and lowered the lens correction amount to -35.
Lincoln Panorama |
For my panorama, I put my camera on a tripod and took 6 different photos, rotating the camera by about 40% each time. After that, I uploaded the photos onto the computer and went into Photoshop. Using the Photomerge mode, the photos were blended together to form a Panorama of the Lincoln patio. Lastly, I cropped the photo to make it square and raised the exposure and contrast a bit, as well as lowered the shadows. I really like this photo because it shows the sun rising over our school, making it look majestic.
Multiple Exposure |
I took these photos at a common Portland skate spot by OMSI. One photo is of my friend Luke grinding the ledge and the other is of my friend Nate skating by him. In Photoshop, I blended the photos together, and duplicated them several times. Each time I duplicated the photo, I moved it slightly and changed the opacity, giving the photo a blurry kind of look. Last of all, I added some screens and other blending changes to better highlight the skaters and the scene in the background.